AdTherM Research Days

The first annual AdTherM Research Days took place as a lunch-to-lunch meeting in Stockholm on November 25–26. Highlights included a keynote presentation by Volodymyr Bushlya, representing the Sentio Competence Center, as well as technical discussions focusing on user cases and synergies within and across work packages. As shown in the photo below, the Research Days […]

From Idea to Reality

In an interview featured on LTH’s website, Professor Martin Andersson shares the journey behind the development of AdTherM. Read more on the LTH web about the key factors that contributed to the success.


The kick-off of Competence Center AdTherM was carried out in Lund on May 2-3. The agenda included a presentation of all partners, an enlightening keynote on the energy transition by Professor Lars J. Nilsson at the Div. of Environmental and Energy System Studies, LTH, and a workshop on the future challenges in thermal management. Thank […]