Staffan Lundström

Research areas within fluid mechanics include flow in porous media, particulate flow, flow with free surface, heat and mass transfer, capillary flow (wicking), non-Newtonian flow, wetting dynamics, multiphase flow, turbulent flow, optimization, simulation driven design, digital twins. Director Swedish Centre for Sustainable Hydropower, A Swedish Energy Agency Centre of Excellence, 2022-. Main applicant and co-ordinator of granted Horizon Europe project on “Novel long-term electricity storage technologies for flexible hydropower” 2023-27. Panel member at a Swedish parliament seminar on the EU framework directive for hydropower, April 19, 2023. Main supervisor for 23 PhD-students to PhD and additional 6 PhD-student to Lic. Supervisor for 10 postdocs. Awarded the 2023 Nordea Scientific Prize for outstanding contributions that promote scientific research and development Nov. 11 2023. Panel member at a Swedish parliament seminar on the EU framework directive for hydropower, April 19 2023. About that facemasks hinder the spread of particles: Dec 14-16 2021: Swedish radio (Ekot, Vetenskapsradion, Studio 1) Dagens nyheter on the web in the paper (1 whole page) Swedish Television 4 in ”Malou Efter 10.