Work Package 1

Heat transfer and pressure drop enhancement techniques

There is an urgent need from all industrial partners to investigate and develop traditional heat transfer enhancements, whilst limiting the pressure drop. Examples of heat transfer enhancement technologies are Additive Manufacturing (AM) printed materials with integrated microchannels, meta-materials with exceptional heat-transfer, macro- and microchannels, ribs, dimples, surface roughness, acoustic effects, and porous media. Basic research on heat transfer with focus on insulation and decreasing thermal emissions is also promoted. Minimizing thermal emissions will decrease energy consumption, increase efficiency, reduce heat pollution, and improve operator’s working environment. The aim is to develop methodologies that estimate the energy improvements in relation to cost. For some applications thermal mixing in confined environments is of importance (e.g., cooling in power stations) and accurate models are needed to assess the impact of turbulent mixing on heat transfer.

The work package includes three PhD student projects, one at each partner University.

Mihai Mihaescu

Work Package Leader, Professor in Fluid Mechanics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology